Oil Painting is the popular technique used to draw an image on a canvas with help of mixing color’s with oil. Basically the art of oil painting was found middle ages in Europe city, where it was quickly adopted simpler to be used and so it become very easy and popular techniques to be allowed a greater variety of effects in paintings than existing techniques like wax based or water color based partings.
There are so many painters always preferred to be draw a paintings by using oil colors, because there are many advantages behind it. Like, First advantage is that, when ever painters using oil colors it’s having more ability to apply paint to canvas without any difficulty of paints running into one another. This is a strongest advantage because colors run into one another; it might change the look and feel of the final paintings. Also, Oil paintings art is looking more fresh and attractive than water color paintings.
Using beautiful Oil paintings to decorate your house or office it’s a great way of interior designing. Oil paintings are created by mixing a pigment with oil and applying it to a piece of canvas paper. There is a large variety of oil paintings available of canvas to select from, like, landscape oil paintings etc.
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